Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai - Computational Geometry and Applications, Robot Motion Planning, Geometric Graph Theory and Applications.
Post-doctoral researcher of the ADReM research group at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. Research topics are: databases, data mining, and inductive databases.
University of Bologna - Formal methods for program verification and analysis, theory of concurrent constraint programming, program transformations, languages for real-time applications, logic programming.
The Technion - Computer-aided verification of software and hardware, modularity and abstraction, temporal logics, equivalences and preorders, automata on infinite objects, theorem provers, static analysis and model checking, coverage in model checking.
Carnegie Mellon University / Panasas, Inc. - Parallelism in secondary storage system technologies, especially parallel and distributed file systems, disk arrays, and network-attached storage devices.
University of Hagen - Spatial data models and query languages (algebras), finite resolution geometry for spatial database systems, extensible spatial database systems, graphs (networks) in spatial databases.
University of Sussex at Brighton - natural language processing and computational linguistics, lexical knowledge representation, multilingual lexicons, tree adjoining grammars.