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Hopper, Grace Murray (9)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   13

 1 - Hofmann, Martin Browse Website open in new window
University of Edinburgh - Type theory, principles of programming languages, semantics, category theory, mathematical logic, formal methods.


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 2 - Haas, Laura Browse Website open in new window
IBM Almaden Research Center - Database query processing.


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 3 - Honsell, Furio Browse Website open in new window
University of Udine - Lambda calculus; foundations, especially of informatics; type systems for OO languages; logical frameworks and formal verification of proofs, programs, and systems; semantics of programming languages and program logics; mathemati...


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University of Groningen - Nondeterminacy, predicate transformation semantics, distributed programming, design and correctness of algorithms, and mechanical theorem proving for correctness and design of distributed systems.


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 5 - Held, Martin Browse Website open in new window
University of Salzburg - Computational geometry, computer graphics, program design, algorithms and data structures, computer-aided design and manufacturing.


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City University of New York - Image Reconstruction from Projections, Inverse Problems, Discrete Tomography, Biomedical Imaging, Medical Imaging, Geometry of Digital Spaces, Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision


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 7 - Heiser, Gernot Browse Website open in new window
University of New South Wales - Operating systems and distributed systems, numerical modelling of silicon solar cells.


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 8 - Houle, Michael Browse Website open in new window
University of Sydney - Algorithmics, including computational geometry, graph algorithms, combinatorial geometry, optimization, and parallel algorithms.


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Kansas State University - Self-stabilizing systems, real-time scheduling, Petri nets, and computational complexity.


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 10 - Hoffmann, Achim Browse Website open in new window
University of New South Wales - Artificial intelligence, knowledge-based systems, intelligent data analysis, machine learning, knowledge acquisition, theory of neural networks, philosophical foundations of AI.


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