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Papert, Seymour (9)

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   10

University of Pennsylvania. Programming languages, type systems, and distributed programming.


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 2 - Prasad, Sanjiva Browse Website open in new window
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi - Programming Languages, Concurrent Systems


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University of Cambridge - Interactive theorem proving and its applications.


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 4 - Pitts, Andrew Browse Website open in new window
University of Cambridge - Applications of mathematical logic and category theory to computer science, semantics of programming languages and type theories, formal logics for reasoning about program properties.


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Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai - Logic, Concurrency, Programming Languages, Formal Methods and Software Engineering.


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 6 - Perry, Dewayne Browse Website open in new window
University of Texas at Austin - Software engineering, system evolution, large-scale systems.


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 7 - Phatak, Deepak Browse Website open in new window
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay - Database systems, Software Engineering, System Performance Evaluation, Distributed Client Server Information Systems


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University of Salzburg - Application of mathematics to computer science, multi-agent systems, artificial neural networks, fuzzy reasoning, genetic algorithms, automated deduction in geometry, and semantical modelling


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University of Udine - Software engineering, metrics, and reuse.


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 10 - Pohlmann, Werner Browse Website open in new window
University of Salzburg - Programming, software engineering, programming languages, performance and reliability of communication and computer systems, parallel and distributed algorithms, and distributed discrete event simulation.


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