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 Computers » Computer Science » People » E


Engelbart, Douglas (17)  

 Web Pages    1 - 4   of   4

 1 - Eades, Peter Browse Website open in new window
University of Sydney - Graph drawing, information visualization, software visualization, algorithms.


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 2 - Elmasri, Ramez Browse Website open in new window
University of Texas in Arlington - Temporal databases, conceptual modeling, object-oriented databases, systems integration, distributed and multi-database systems, database models and languages, DBMS system implemention, indexing techniques, software ...


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 3 - Eder, Elmar Browse Website open in new window
University of Salzburg - Artificial intelligence, automated theorem proving, proof calculi and their complexities, logic programming, theoretical computer science, and complexity theory .


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Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Formal models for static and dynamic aspects of complex reasoning processes, temporal logic, and belief revision.


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