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 Computers » History » Pioneers » Engelbart, Douglas

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Growing biography, with links to related topics. [Wikipedia]


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 2 - MouseSite Browse Website open in new window
Resource for exploring the history of human computer interaction beginning with the pioneering work of Douglas Engelbart and his colleagues at Stanford Research Institute in the 1960s.


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By Howard Rheingold. Online copy of well known 1985 book on the invention of modern computing; this chapter on SRI, Engelbart, oN Line System (NLS, Augment), augmentation. Newer (c)2000 edition of the book is out, with follow-up interviews.


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Introduction, presenters, program, hosts, sponsors, history, links, press, feedback, video tapes, streaming video.


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History project with text audio, video, timelines and blog.


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Tells about a symposium at Stanford University, 9 Dec 1998: brief professional biography, video samples.


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Doug Engelbart invented the mouse, chording keyboards, outlining, a type of hypertext, windows (tiled), and groupware. He still dreams of upgrading the human operating system. [Salon]


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His presentation at 1968 Fall Joint Computer Conference, was a live online hypermedia demonstration of pioneering work his group did at SRI. Later called "The Mother of All Demos" by Andy van Dam, this historic show paved the way for modern human-comp...


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Inventor of the Week Archives: The computer mouse. The national Lemelson-MIT Awards gives the world's largest single prize for invention and innovation, the annual $500, 000 dollar Lemelson-MIT Prize.


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Story on Stanford University seminar: Engelbart's Unfinished Revolution.


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