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Aalborg University - Data warehousing, multimedia data management, and spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal databases.


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 2 - Jain, Bijendra Browse Website open in new window
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi - High-speed Networks, Network-based Information Systems, Multimedia Communication, Network Security


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 3 - Johnson, Chris Browse Website open in new window
University of Utah - Director, Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute.


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Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay - Object Oriented Systems, Distributed Systems, Software Architectures.


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 5 - Jerrum, Mark Browse Website open in new window
University of Edinburgh - Probabilistic computation, the complexity of combinatorial enumeration, information- and complexity-theoretic aspects of machine learning, and combinatorial optimisation.


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 6 - Jha, Sanjay Browse Website open in new window
University of New South Wales - Higher layer network protocols, end to end quality of service, real-time multimedia communications, subjective evaluation of user perception of QoS, internet routing protocols, network management, building distributed s...


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