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Gates, Bill (14)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   16

 1 - Garg, Naveen Browse Website open in new window
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi - Approximation Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms


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Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai - Computational Geometry and Applications, Robot Motion Planning, Geometric Graph Theory and Applications.


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 3 - Goethals, Bart Browse Website open in new window
Post-doctoral researcher of the ADReM research group at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. Research topics are: databases, data mining, and inductive databases.


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University of Bologna - Formal methods for program verification and analysis, theory of concurrent constraint programming, program transformations, languages for real-time applications, logic programming.


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 5 - Grumberg, Orna Browse Website open in new window
The Technion - Computer-aided verification of software and hardware, modularity and abstraction, temporal logics, equivalences and preorders, automata on infinite objects, theorem provers, static analysis and model checking, coverage in model checking.


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 6 - Gibson, Garth Browse Website open in new window
Carnegie Mellon University / Panasas, Inc. - Parallelism in secondary storage system technologies, especially parallel and distributed file systems, disk arrays, and network-attached storage devices.


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University of Edinburgh - PEPA stochastic process algebra, Standard ML functional programming language.


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 8 - Ghosh, R. K. Browse Website open in new window
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur - Parallel Algorithms, Genetic Algorithms, Mobile Computing, PVM, MPI, and Distributed Databases.


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University of Hagen - Spatial data models and query languages (algebras), finite resolution geometry for spatial database systems, extensible spatial database systems, graphs (networks) in spatial databases.


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 10 - Gazdar, Gerald Browse Website open in new window
University of Sussex at Brighton - natural language processing and computational linguistics, lexical knowledge representation, multilingual lexicons, tree adjoining grammars.


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