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 1 - Aiken, Alex Browse Website open in new window
Berkeley - Type systems, static program analysis and abstract interpretation, constraint resolution algorithms, parallel programming, language design, domain specific languages, end user programming, visualization.


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City University of New York - Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, Mathematics, and Philosophy


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 3 - Ajmani, Sameer Browse Website open in new window
MIT - Distributed systems, software engineering and security.


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 4 - Almeroth, Kevin Browse Website open in new window
University of California, Santa Barbara - Computer networks and protocols, large-scale multimedia systems, performance evaluation, distributed systems.


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Technical University of Valencia, Spain - Logic Programming: semantics, extensions and applications integration of functional and logic programming languages, abstract interpretation, program manipulation.


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 6 - Arun-Kumar, S. Browse Website open in new window
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi - Semantics and Verification


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Chalmers University of Technology - Functional programming and implementation of functional programming languages, Haskell.


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University of California, Santa Barbara - Database systems, transaction processing, distributed systems, fault-tolerance, large scale information systems, image databases, workflow management.


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University of Ulster at Jordanstown - Improvement of generic tools used in the design of dynamic systems, Applications in the formalization of devices and protocols in Business and Industry, Verification of behavioural properties of systems.


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Ludwig-Maximillians University - Type theory, categorical logic, and program verification.


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