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 Computers » Programming » Threads


C++ (7) Java (41) POSIX (20)
Win32 (8)  

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Part of the Computer Science Bibliography Collection.


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Frequently asked questions (by Bryan O'Sullivan).


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Technical article, covering Amdahl's Law, latencies and bandwidth, on-chip multiprocessing, Jackson technology, and simultaneous multithreading. (SystemLogic.net)


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The biggest sea change in software development since the OO revolution is knocking at the door, and its name is Concurrency.


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 5 - Protothreads Browse Website open in new window
Very lightweight stackless threads; give linear code execution for event-driven systems, designed to use little memory; library is pure C, no platform-specific Assembly; usable with or without OS. Open source, BSD-type license.


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Small application library for writing fast, highly scalable Internet programs on Unix-like platforms. Open source, MPL or GPL.


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This book teaches the fundamental concepts of multithreaded, parallel and distributed computing. Emphasizes how to solve problems, with correctness the primary concern and performance an important, but secondary, concern. (Gregory R. Andrews)


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Comparing Solaris, Linux, and Windows NT threads.


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Bil Lewis's collection of frequently asked questions.


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Explores effective uses of threads by looking at a multi-threaded implementation of the QuickSort algorithm and reports on situations where using threads will not help.


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