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 Computers » Programming » Threads

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Describes lock-free data sharing, otherwise known as "wait-free data sharing" as an alternative to the use of locks.


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Interprocess communication is an essential component of modern software engineering. Often, lock-free IPC is accomplished via special processor commands. This article propose a communication type that requires only atomic writing of processor word fro...


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It isn't just languages that have poor support for thread local storage, but operating systems too


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Writing lock-free code can confound anyone-even expert programmers, as Herb shows in this article.


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Discusses the usage of the volatile keyword in multithreaded C++ programs.


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Describes some key principles that will help mastering the "black art" of writing multithreaded code.


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Shows different ways of how to write a fast, internally synchronized queue, one that callers can use without any explicit external locking or other synchronization, and compares the performance.


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Explains how to accurately analyze the real performance of parallel code and lists some basic considerations and common costs.


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The Boost.Thread library, which enables the use of multiple threads of execution with shared data in portable C++ code, has undergone some major changes.


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