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Every decade or so there is a major revolution in the way software is developed. But, unlike the object and web revolutions, the concurrency revolution can be seen coming.


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Find out what dangers race conditions in general and C++0x data races in particular pose to concurrent code, as well as the strategies for avoiding them.


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Breaking up is hard to do, but interleaving can be even subtler.


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Use of synchronization mechanisms like semaphores, monitors, and critical regions can lead to uncontrolled priority inversion.


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Most uses of synchronization code in multi-threaded applications fall into a small number of high-level "usage patterns", or what can be called generic synchronization policies (GSPs). This paper illustrates how the use of such GSPs simplify the writi...


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This book provides an in-depth overview of underlying principles as well as practical techniques that can be used to design concurrent programs. (Greg Andrews)


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Compares Windows NT and Solaris on a symmetric multiprocessor machine.


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This column is about why it's time right now to think about systems with lots of cores. In short: Software is the (only) gating factor; as that gate falls, hardware parallelism is coming more and sooner than many people yet believe.


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 19 - Lock Options Browse Website open in new window
Presents a solution to races and deadlocks based on a well-known deadlock-avoidance protocol and shows how it can be enforced by the compiler. It can be applied to programs in which the number of locks is fixed and known up front.


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This article explains what deadlocks are and describes ways of circumventing deadlocks.


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