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 Computers » Programming » Threads

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Describes a number of general purpose debugging techniques for multi-threaded applications.


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Explains fundamental concepts for moving from a linear to a parallel programming model


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What does the future hold for concurrency? What will happen to the tools and techniques around concurrent programming? In part two of our series, concurrency guru Herb Sutter talks about these issues and what developers need to be reading to understan...


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Multi- and many-core chips are entering the mainstream - and one of the first software development authorities to take note was C++ expert Herb Sutter. Thanks to his practical insights, a new generation may grok concurrency sooner than previously thou...


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So far multithreaded file I/O is a under-researched field. Although its simple to measure, there is not much common knowledge about it. The measurements presented here show that multithreading can improve performance of file access directly, as well a...


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Gives an introduction to priority inversion and shows a pair of techniques to avoid them.


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Focuses on the implications of concurrency for software and its consequences for both programming languages and programmers. (Herb Sutter and James Larus)


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Argues that for concurrent programming to become mainstream, threads must be discarded as a programming model. Nondeterminism should be judiciously and carefully introduced where needed, and it should be explicit in programs.


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To avoid problems with shared state working with multiple threads, Vinoski recommends a programming language like Erlang rather than C++ or Java.


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Critical sections are the One True Tool for guaranteeing mutual exclusion on shared variables. Like most tools, these must be applied consistently, and with the intended meanings.


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