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 Computers » Programming » Threads » Java


Books (3)  

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 1 - JKeyLockManager Browse Website open in new window
Provides fine-grained locking with application specific keys. [Open Source]


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The thread gate pattern is an effective tool for managing thread concurrency, but not many developers know about it. Introduces the concept of thread gates, and then shows how to implement them in a multithreaded prime-number generator.


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Though many Java books and articles recommend double-checked locking, unfortunately, it is not guaranteed to work in Java.


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The current Java thread specification does not adequately provide for the protection of shared resources or for deadlock detection. A model is introduced and implemented that can provides shared resource protection and deadlock detection. (ACM Crossroads)


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Concurrent programming in Java applications is more complicated than it looks: there are several subtle (and not so subtle) ways to create data races and other concurrency hazards in Java programs. In this article, Brian Goetz looks at a common thread...


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If you're not careful, threads can disappear from server applications without a (stack) trace. In this article, threading expert Brian Goetz offers some techniques for both prevention and detection of threads going AWOL.


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Examines ThreadLocal and offers tips for exploiting its power. By Brian Goetz.


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Examines the roots of the double-checked locking idiom, why it was developed, and why it doesn't work.


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Discusses the things you need to know to program threads in the real world. This article assumes you understand the language-level support for threads and focuses on the legion of problems that arise when you try to use these language features.


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Explores the motivations for thread pools, some basic implementation and tuning techniques, and some common hazards to avoid.


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