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 Computers » Programming » Threads » Java

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Introduces basic concurrency problems and shows how to solve them by using builtin Java synchronization primitives. (Only sources free accessed without registration)


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Read-write locks allow multiple threads to acquire a read lock provided no other thread currently has a write lock on the same object. A thread can acquire a write lock if no other thread owns either a read lock or a write lock.


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In this article, Brian Goetz looks at some of the commonly proposed fixes and shows how each of them fails to render the DCL idiom thread-safe under the Java Memory Model.


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Discusses architectural solutions to threading problems. Takes a look at threads from the perspective of an object-oriented designer, and at how to implement threads in an object-oriented environment, focusing on the implementation of asynchronous met...


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Many authors advocate the double-checked locking idiom to access a Singleton object in an intuitively thread-safe way. Unfortunately, for counterintuitive reasons, double-checked locking doesn't work in Java.


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Takes a look at the semantics and the performance penalty of Java's synchronized keyword. By Brian Goetz.


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How to implement the Observer pattern (used by AWT/Swing for its event model) in a multithreaded environment.


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Presents two approaches to creating thread-safe singletons.


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The article discusses how to pull off multithreading in Java. It is excerpted from chapter 10 of the book Java Demystified, written by Jim Keogh.


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An article covering Java thread basics.


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