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 11 - Going Atomic Browse Website open in new window
Explains how the new atomic variable classes in JDK 5.0 enable the development of highly scalable nonblocking algorithms in the Java language.


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Explains why contended synchronization is a problem and then explores several techniques for reducing contention, and hence improving scalability.


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This article describes how to do concurrent programming with Java and the Java 5.0 concurrency collection. Covers threads, the executor framework (thread pools), futures, callables, deadlocks and the fork-join framework.


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Explains how to fix the double-checked locking idiom by using thread-local variables and takes a look at its performance.


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Explains how to apply consistent rules for acquiring multiple locks simultaneously, to reduce the likelihood of synchronization deadlocks.


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Gives an introduction to threads and explores the Thread class and runnables.


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Discussion of two more architectural solutions to threading problems: a synchronous dispatcher (or 'reactor') and an asynchronous dispatcher (or 'active object').


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Reader/writer locks let multiple threads safely access a shared resource in an efficient way.


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Timers let you perform fixed-interval operations, such as animation refreshes.


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A condition variable adds to wait the ability to not wait when the condition you're waiting for has already taken place; and a counting semaphore lets you control a pool of resources without sucking up machine cycles in polling loops.


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