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 Computers » Programming » Threads » Java

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Discusses the perils that can arise when you approach multithreading in a naive way.


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Looks at how and why you might want to roll your own exclusion semaphores, and presents a lock manager that will help you safely acquire multiple semaphores.


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Explains synchronization, Java's synchronization mechanism, and two problems that arise when developers fail to use that mechanism correctly.


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Explains how priority relates to thread scheduling and how to use the wait/notify mechanism to coordinate the activities of multiple threads.


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Focuses on thread groups, volatility, thread-local variables, timers, and the ThreadDeath class. Also describes how various thread concepts combine to finalize objects.


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A course covering all aspects of multi-thread programming in Java from plain synchronization over Java 5.0 concurrency utilities to memory model issues.


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Introduces the Java Thread API, outlines issues involved in multithreading, and offers solutions to common problems. By Alex Roetter.


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Lab. manual by Astha Ekadiyanto.


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An easy to use library for adding thread management in Java applications. The library comes from early experience with JServ's lack of thread management, and recent posts to the java developer forums. [Open source]


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Producer Consumer, Dining Philosophers, Reader Writer problems. Applet demonstration, design diagram. Source code accessible by e-mail request.


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