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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
Data Compression issue of ACM Crossroads, the student magazine of the Association for Computing Machinery.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
"Researchers at Indiana University (IU) are part of a growing community that believe that the dumb-agent approach will both enable Artificial Intelligence (AI) researchers to build more intelligent systems and enable cognitive scientists to study inte...

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
Describes efforts toward the standardization of multi-agent system architectures.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
"Strategies must be developed to protect the integrity of agents. With the use of this new technology in safety-critical applications, better ways of engineering agent-based systems must be devised. In this paper, we discuss these issues and the ramif...

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 5 - Emotionware Browse Website open in new window
   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
"Why emotions might be useful to have, and touch on what would be involved in developing the emotional side of an intelligent agent." Published in Crossroads, the ACM student magazine.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
"Agent-based communication paradigms have shown enormous potential for operating in unpredictable, metamorphic environments, such as mobile computing networks." Published in Crossroads, the ACM student magazine.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
"The goal of this article is to introduce the reader to the basic elements of an intelligent agent, and then apply those elements to a Web search agent to provide the framework for the construction of a simple intelligent Web search agent." Published ...

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
"An overview of the main components of intelligent tutoring systems. A brief summary of different types of ITSs, a detailed discussion of two components, the student model and the pedagogical module. We close by discussing some of the open questions i...

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
An introduction to "anytime" algorithms. Published in Crossroads, the student magazine of the ACM.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
Published in Crossroads, the ACM student magazine, this is an article arguing that the Turing Test is not a good test for intelligence.

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