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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
A non-profit research organization specializing in real-time computer and network architecture; and software methodology and human-machine interaction for distributed systems.

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 2 - Olsson, Fredrik Browse Website open in new window
   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
Swedish Institute of Computer Science - Language engineering, computational linguistics, information extraction and machine learning.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
Research focuses on distributed interactive real-time systems. Publications and software.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
An implementation of the TCP/IP protocol stack that uses very little resources. Code size is on the order of a few kilobytes and memory usage is on the order of a few hundreds of bytes.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
lwIP is a lightweight implementation of the TCP/IP protocol stack. The focus of the lwIP TCP/IP implementation is to reduce RAM usage.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
Tiny proof-of-concept combined implementations of TCP and HTTP.

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 7 - E-script Browse Website open in new window
   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
A simple one pass "load and go" Erlang scripting interface.

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 8 - XML Parser Browse Website open in new window
   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
An experimental XML parser in Erlang.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
SAE for OTP R7, create stand alone applications in Erlang, i.e. one file that holds the executable and the Erlang object files, BEAM files, needed.

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 10 - Robust Server Browse Website open in new window
   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
This tutorial shows you how to build a simple fault-tolerant server.

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