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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Java


Applets (123) Applications (95) Books (40)
Chats and Forums (11) Class Libraries (343) Code Directories (12)
Coding Standards (11) Commercial Services (65) Conferences (16)
Criticism (6) Databases and Persistence (165) Development Tools (317)
E-mail (20) Enterprise Edition (314) Extensions (91)
FAQs, Help, and Tutorials (107) Globalization (12) History (3)
Implementations (51) Jini (57) Macintosh-specific (10)
Magazines and E-zines (29) Mailing Lists (10) Micro Edition (43)
News and Media (79) Official Documentation (22) Operating Systems (9)
Personal Pages (51) Resources (90) Security (17)
Threads (41) User Groups (82) Virtual Worlds (10)
XML (78)  

 Web Pages    1 - 3   of   3

 1 - Java.sun.com Browse Website open in new window
Sun's home for Java. Offers Windows, Solaris, and Linux Java Development Kits (JDKs), extensions, news, tutorials, and product information.


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Offers a set of open source Java solutions under an open software license. Jakarta is organized into subprojects.


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 3 - Wikipedia: Java Browse Website open in new window
Presents the language and gives insight into its philosophy and syntax. Lists criticism, resources, links and literature on the topic.


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