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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Java » Jini


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 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   13

 1 - Jini.org Browse Website open in new window
Main site for all Jini community members and interested parties. Realized as a wiki.


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Primary Sun Microsystems site. "Jini enables spontaneous networking of a wide variety of hardware, software, and services."


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Main Jini site for developers.


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 4 - Sun: Jini-Users Browse Website open in new window
Jini related maillist. Subscribe or search archives.


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News, specification links, resources.


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 6 - Openwings Browse Website open in new window
Sun and Motorola sponsored open specifications for a framework that enables the development of highly available, secure, distributed systems for mission critical applications. The first implementation is built on Jini.


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 7 - Jini Planet Browse Website open in new window
Information, by Jini developer, author of "Core Jini", Keith Edwards.


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The Netbeans development environment Plugin for Jini development.


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Simple Jini examples with explanations.


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Jini-users FAQ, links to Jini resources on the web, discussion forum, a Jini interface repository, the service UI specification, and articles about Jini from the Jiniology column.


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