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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Java » Micro Edition


Development Tools (10) Resources (16)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   17

Official website to get documentation, downloads, and news.


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 2 - Anfy Mobile Browse Website open in new window
A content provider of J2ME/MIDP games.


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 3 - Magmic Inc. Browse Website open in new window
A software development studio specializing in games, entertainment, and productivity applications for Java-enabled (J2ME/MIDP) mobile devices.


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 4 - MicroEmulator Browse Website open in new window
J2ME Device Emulator. It's based on JDK 1.1 so allows demonstrate MIDlet based applications in browser applet.


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 5 - TinyLine Browse Website open in new window
TinyLine provides Mobile SVG Applications and Development Tools for J2ME devices.


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 6 - Mobile GMaps Browse Website open in new window
Software to display Google and MSN Virtual Earth maps and satellite imagery on Java J2ME-enabled mobile phones or other devices. [Freeware]


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 7 - Cocoasoft Browse Website open in new window
Java 2 Micro Edition business application and game development.


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 8 - J2me Forums Browse Website open in new window
Includes discussion forum for J2ME development and products.


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An open source library for building J2ME applications. It includes an UI, a logging framework, functions for getting location data from a Bluetooth GPS device, and utility classes.


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Provides wireless Java and J2ME resources, articles, and news.


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