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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Java » Micro Edition » Development Tools


Palm OS (6)  

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An integrated development environment for the creation and testing of applications that will be deployed on handsets and other small devices. [Commercial]


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A toolbox for developing wireless applications including emulation environments, performance optimization and tuning features, documentation, and examples.


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Provides a set of Ant tasks suitable for developing MIDP Java applications.


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 4 - Nutiteq LLC Browse Website open in new window
Offers a mobile mapping toolkit to create multi-device compatible mapping applications. Supports OpenStreetMap.org and other map sources, GPS, KML data sources, on-line and offline map content.


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For creating advanced embedded solutions, by IBM.


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A suite of J2ME development and porting tools targeting J2ME, Brew, and other mobile platforms, mainly for mobile games. Company and career information may also be found.


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 7 - mBooster Browse Website open in new window
A suite of J2ME size and performance optimization tools designed for both MIDP and i-Appli development. [Shareware]


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A set of Java MIDlets that allow developers to quickly learn the specifics of new devices. [Open source, MIT License]


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Minimizes the size of an application in .jar format, the execution module of J2ME applications, and makes another .jar file that runs in virtually the same way as the original file. [Commercial, trial version]


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 10 - J2ME Polish Browse Website open in new window
A suite of tools for creating "polished" J2ME applications. Each tool meets a definite need of J2ME developers: Build-tools with an integrated device-database, a powerful GUI, a localization framework, a game-engine, a logging framework and a collecti...


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