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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Java » Micro Edition » Resources

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Sun's wireless developer center with online tutorials, forums, and official beta releases.


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Articles, FAQs, and news for the iDEN developer.


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 3 - Java Card Forum Browse Website open in new window
Meeting and technical information about standards and compatibility.


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Main interest of the German university research group is the development of concepts, methods and toolkits for new models of embedded human computer interaction. Information on people, publications, events and teaching.


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News, articles, and software collection.


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 6 - J2ME Archive Browse Website open in new window
Bill Day's resource center. Includes emulator/simulator, SDK, and IDE resource lists.


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 7 - JBenchmark Browse Website open in new window
A graphical benchmark for java phones and PDAs. It measures the performance of Java (J2ME) enabled phones and PDAs, by running 5 small tests, each lasting for 10 seconds: text, 2D shapes, 3D shapes, fill rate, animation.


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Provides J2ME industry news, developer articles, J2ME reviews, and links to developer contests.


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Colin Mummery's notes for developing i-applis and midlets for cell phones.


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 10 - Mobitopia Browse Website open in new window
Mobitopia - News, links and opinions about mobile and wireless technologies


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