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 Computers » Software » Globalization » Programming Languages » Java


Software and Tools (6)  

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The lessons in this trail teach you how to internationalize Java applications. Internationalized applications are easy to tailor to the customs and languages of end users around the world.


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All spaces, punctuation, accented characters, and any other non-ASCII characters are replaced with \unn; in Java Unicode format encoding, where nn is equivalent to the hexadecimal number representing the character.


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Hello to Spanish speakers, with the localized time, Hello to Japanese speakers, Sending localized output read from a file, A servlet version of the Rosetta Stone, A servlet version of the Tower of Babel, The hidden charset.


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 4 - Java I18N Browse Website open in new window
Provides articles, demos, and best practice information for creating internationalized software.


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Those that intend to target their software to the global marketplace should not overlook multi-currency issues. This article is an introduction to currency arithmetic and localization formatting with Java.


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Al Williams takes a look at resource bundles for supporting multiple languages.


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