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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Fortran » Source Code » Physics

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Performs a variety of types of simulation on 3D periodic solids, gas phase clusters and isolated defects in a bulk material. In particular GULP is designed to handle both molecular solids and ionic materials through the use of the shell model. One dif...


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Fortran 90 code to study low-frequency turbulence in magnetized plasma.


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Written in Fortran 90.


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 34 - General Software Browse Website open in new window
Fortran and C programs for processing meteorological and oceanographic data from the Scientific Computing Division of the National Center for Atmospheric Research.


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Parallel plane wave pseudopotential program for atomistic total energy calculation based on density functional theory. It is designed for large system simulations to be run on large parallel computers like Cray T3E and IBM SP machines at NERSC. It is ...


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Collection of Fortran programs to facilitate computer modeling of geophysical processes. The package contains programs for computing certain common differential operators, including divergence, vorticity, gradients, and the Laplacian of both scalar an...


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Codes to calculate bulk fluxes for the Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment.


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Exhibit on visualization of concepts from high school physics. The scientific data is generated on a UNIX workstation by a Fortran 90 program (provided at the site) and then exported to an Apple Macintosh.  


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 39 - Spectra Code Browse Website open in new window
Red-Green-Blue values for the visible wavelength, by Dan Bruton.


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Fortran 90 code incorporating modern numerical techniques into ocean modeling. Code and documentation can be obtained from the site.


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