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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
How to make a cluster from Apple computers. Papers, benchmarks, and software for distributing jobs across a cluster.

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 2 - AppleSeed Browse Website open in new window
   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
Information for clustering and writing programs for Macintoshes using MPI. Source code, tutorials, and benchmarks.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
Implementation of MPI for Mac OS 9.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
Links to papers on Object-Oriented Programming in Fortran 90, Optimization techniques for RISC processors, Parallel Particle-in-Cell Codes, Parallel Computing Tutorial, and Modernization of Fortran Legacy Codes.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
Lecture notes by Viktor K. Decyk.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
Exhibit on visualization of concepts from high school physics. The scientific data is generated on a UNIX workstation by a Fortran 90 program (provided at the site) and then exported to an Apple Macintosh.  

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
A parallel Macintosh cluster for numerically intensive computing.

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Olympos Tree Houses

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