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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Fortran » Source Code » Physics

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Full-potential linearised augmented-planewave (FP-LAPW) Fortran 90 code. Written mainly at Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz as a milestone of the EXCITING EU Research and Training Network, the code is designed to be as developer friendly as possible so ...


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Links to programs in material science, many in Fortran.


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By J.D. Maldonado and F.X. Timmes.


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Performs various useful functions associated with FITS image files.


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BRUCE and KYLIE are Fortran 77 codes by Rich Townsend which calculate synthetic spectra for stars undergoing non-radial pulsation (NRP). TLUSTY and SYNSPEC are Fortran 77 codes by Ivan Hubeny and Thierry Lanz for calculating synthetic plane-parallel s...


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Plane wave/pseudopotential implementation of Density Functional Theory, particularly designed for ab-initio molecular dynamics. Its first version was developed by Jurg Hutter at IBM Zurich Research Laboratory starting from the original Car-Parrinello ...


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Developed under the auspices of the Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program.


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FCTMHD3D solves magnetohydrodynamics problems in three spatial dimensions, using positivity- and monotonicity-preserving FCT techniques in a finite-volume representation. CRUNCH3D-T3D and CRUNCH3D-T3E are high-performance codes for solving the viscore...


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Fortran 77, 90, and C codes.


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Generic Monte-Carlo generator written in Fortran 95 by Wolfgang Kilian for multi-particle processes at high-energy colliders.


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