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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Fortran » Source Code » Physics

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Fortran code to perform dimensional analysis, by Ron Davis.


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Fortran 90 and High Performance Fortran code implementing nonadaptive and adaptive O(N) hierarchical N-body methods in 3-D for gravitational and electrostatic fields.


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 83 - Delta Code Browse Website open in new window
Nonlinear aeroelastic solver written in Fortran 90. At the moment only vortex lattice aerodynamics are available, but the hope is for a higher fidelity aerodynamic model to be developed for use in the current code.


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Fortran 77 programs by Toshiaki Iitaka.


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 85 - Gastropod Browse Website open in new window
Fortran 90 library of forward and gradient routines for fast radiative transfer calculations for the advanced infrared sounders.


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Neural Network program for jet discrimination and other High Energy Physics triggering situations, by Leif Lonnblad, Carsten Peterson, Hong Pi, and Thorsteinn Rognvaldsson.


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Library of Fortran and Python code to calculate the shock response spectrum.


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Computational Fluid Dynamics solver aimed to solve multi-physics problems with unstructured finite volume methods will be able to use dynamical refinement and MPI-based parallel processing (Fortran-90-based, uses BLAS, LAPACK, CGNS libraries).


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Calculates the SUSY spectrum using low energy data and a user supplied high scale model as input. The spectrum is used to calculate two- and three body decay modes of supersymmetric particle as well as of Higgs bosons. By Werner Porod.


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Simulator code for solving nuclear astrophysical problems related to exploding stars. This website contains information about the astrophysics, the code, and related basic physics and computer science efforts.


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