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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Fortran » Source Code » Physics

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Programs to compute radiative corrections in inclusive, semiexclusive and exclusive electron scattering.


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 72 - Atomic Physics Browse Website open in new window
Codes from a course by Walter Johnson. Mod_pot.f determines the parameters in a model potential for an atom with one valence electron. Nrhf.f calculates nonrelativistic Hartree-Fock wave functions for closed-shell atoms.


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Uses the Hirsch-Fye algorithm, implements methods in the paper "Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Strongly Correlated Fermion Systems".


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 74 - Ising Model Browse Website open in new window
Fortran 90 program by Hans-Marc Erkinger for Monte Carlo simulation of the Ising model.


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Fortran tools to write standardized NetCDF output for a variety of ocean circulation models. The files contain required metadata to be compatible with DMACS standards. A C++ particle trajectory tool reads NetCDF files to make particle paths.


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Code for a Radiative Transfer Model (RTM), RTM Coefficient Assembly, Infrared Sea Surface Emissivity (IRSSE), EmisCoeff utility, Emissivity utility, Planck functions, Profile utility, SensorInfo utility, SpcCoeff utility, and SRF utility.


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Code by Bruce T. Draine to study the scattering and absorption of light by small particles.


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Fortran 90 codes for course taught by Ari Harju.


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Computational physics development environment written in Fortran 90. It provides an environment where the physics of real systems can be modeled, by discretizing a set of partial differential equations on a mesh and solving the resultant algebraic system.


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By Edward D. Throm, contains routines to provide a wide range of interfaces to the thermodynamic and transport properties. [Commercial]


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