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 Computers » Human-Computer Interaction » Companies and Consultants

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Internet and interface development. specialise in HCI, usability, architecture, systems integration and e-business. Offer a number of white papers. Located in California, USA.


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Consultants to help you improve the user friendliness of your web site, located in Florida, USA.


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Consulting and research in human factors, ergonomics, usability and safety in product and system design from California, USA.


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 84 - Interface Guru Browse Website open in new window
Tests and makes recommendations on how to improve commercial websites. Located in Tucson, Arizona, USA.


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 85 - Userlab, Inc. Browse Website open in new window
Consulting in website usability, training and testing.


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User-centered design and development services, including object-oriented design and UML, usability evaluation and training. Located in Oxford, UK.


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Offers Web design and usability testing services.


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 88 - Evan Media Browse Website open in new window
Creation of user-centered interface designs, websites and custom web applications for small to mid-size businesses. Located in California, USA.


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A management consulting and software development company that has expertise with all forms of Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS). Located in Ohio, USA.


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Offers user research and services for the complete design and development process including usability testing. Based in London, United Kingdom.


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