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 Computers » Human-Computer Interaction » Companies and Consultants

 Web Pages    51 - 60   of   157 Back to Companies and Consultants Home 

 51 - User Insight Browse Website open in new window
Provider of user experience services utilizing usability testing, focus groups, market research, training and documentation. Located in California, Georgia, and Illinois, USA.


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 52 - Frontend Browse Website open in new window
Frontend provides user-centred interface solutions for online developments and software applications. Includes the Usability Infocentre and User News newsletter. Located in Ireland.


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London, UK based independent usability consultants, covering websites, interactive TV, interactive appliances and mobile Internet devices.


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A usability consulting and contracting firm specializing in designing the user experience with user-centered methodologies.


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 55 - Instrata Browse Website open in new window
Offers services to study user behaviour and apply results to create functional and usable user interfaces. Located in the UK.


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 56 - UsabilityOne Browse Website open in new window
Offers a range of services with a focus on user interfaces for web and non-web applications. Services available throughout the Asia Pacific. Located in Australia.


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 57 - Usable Interface Browse Website open in new window
The portfolio and resume of Kyle Pero, a usability analyst, interaction designer, and information architect consultant based in Pennsylvania, USA.


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Usability consulting for web, software and hardware products. Background in Human Factors. Located in Texas, USA.


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 59 - MauroNewMedia Browse Website open in new window
Consulting services concerning User Interface Design and Usability Engineering. Located in New York, USA.


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User-centered user interface design, user documentation and training services. Belgium


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