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 Computers » Human-Computer Interaction » Companies and Consultants

 Web Pages    101 - 110   of   157 Back to Companies and Consultants Home 

 101 - Quakenbush Design Browse Website open in new window
Interface Design consultation for browser-based and traditional software as well as interactiveTV.


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 102 - Usablity Glossary Browse Website open in new window
Boston Web firm offering information architecture, interaction design, usability consulting, and copywriting.


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Texas design consultancy specializing in user interface and interaction design, visual communication, and usability for products requiring human-computer interaction.


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Offers user experience design plus usability and product strategy consulting. Also other services concerning interactive products.


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A team of designers, programmers and usability specialists from Nortel Networks' former human factors group offer web design and usability evaluations. Located in Canada.


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Consulting firm with focus on simplicity and usability. Located in Canada.


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 107 - SalemSystems Browse Website open in new window
Usability testing, customer research, and product design services. Located in Washington, USA.


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 108 - Change Sciences Browse Website open in new window
Provides research, workshops, and consulting for improving the user experience of web sites and interactive applications. Located in New York, USA.


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 109 - WordFixers Browse Website open in new window
Offers service for designing online-help system, user documentation and translation. Located in Oslo, Norway.


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Sim D'Hertefelt offers services for designing usable interactive systems, includes articles. Located in Belgium.


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