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 Computers » Human-Computer Interaction » Companies and Consultants

 Web Pages    31 - 40   of   157 Back to Companies and Consultants Home 

 31 - Black Box Media Browse Website open in new window
A website and CDROM publishing company specializing in human factors for interface design, usability and usage studies, navigation and information architecture - directly for clients or through larger companies. Located in Canada.


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Provider of usability testing and research for websites, consumer electronics, software and hardware products. Located in Texas, USA.


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A consulting firm in Massachusetts.


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Provides user experience research, user-centered interactive design and usability evaluation. Offices in Ohio and Colorado, USA.


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 35 - Ferguson, Louise Browse Website open in new window
Consulting services to research, design, and evaluate interactive products. Specialist in medical usability, wireless systems and complex collaborative environments. Located in the UK.


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 36 - True Matter, LLC Browse Website open in new window
Interactive application development and design consultancy focused on crafting effective Web experiences. Located in South Carolina, USA.


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User interface design consultancy creating online, desktop, and handheld products and services. California, United States.


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 38 - Creative Good Browse Website open in new window
Offers to improve customer experience. Located in New York, USA.


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 39 - TheUEgroup Browse Website open in new window
Experienced consultants specializing in the area of user interface design and usability. Located in California, USA.


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A software development and professional services organization with expertise in graphical user interface (GUI) design and usability. Located in California, USA.


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