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 Computers » Human-Computer Interaction » Companies and Consultants

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   157 Back to Companies and Consultants Home 

 11 - Clickdensity Browse Website open in new window
Offers a tool to record the position of every click on a web page, creating a virtual heat map of visitor activity. Includes details of benefits and how it works, together with a free demonstration.


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Offers services and research in the field of usability engineering and user interface design in Vienna Austria.


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Offers usability consulting. Includes resources, articles and courses. Located in Melbourne, Australia.


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Provides website design and development solutions for internet, extranet, intranet, multimedia and new media projects.


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Consulting firm offering Web optimization services and information. Located in Michigan, USA.


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 16 - AGConsult Browse Website open in new window
Specializes in web usability and information architecture. Includes online articles. Located in Belgium. [English, Dutch, French]


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Supports usage-centered design for more usable software-based products through training, design, evaluation, and consulting services. Located in Massachusetts, USA.


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The institute is split into three centres; Human focused design, Transport technology ergonomics and vehicle safety research.


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Human factors testing and consulting firm with expertise in Web design, and consumer electronics. Located in North Carolina, USA.


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 20 - Good Experience Browse Website open in new window
Mark Hurst and Creative Good present white papers on customer and user experience.


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