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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » People

 Web Pages    61 - 70   of   163 Back to People Home 

 61 - Conati, Cristina Browse Website open in new window
University of British Columbia. User modeling, emotionally intelligent agents, adaptive user interfaces, Bayesian network student models.


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 62 - Roberts, Steve Browse Website open in new window
Oxford. Robotics Research Group. Machine learning, Bayesian learning, data-driven inference, signal and image processing, bioinformatics, computational and mathematical biology.


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 63 - Lester, James Browse Website open in new window
North Carolina State University. Intellimedia initiative, animated pedagogical agents, 3D learning environments, natural language generation.


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 64 - Sure, York Browse Website open in new window
University of Karlsruhe. Semantic web, OntoWeb, distributed knowledge, collaborative ontology, knowledge retrieval.


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 65 - McCoy, Kathleen Browse Website open in new window
University of Delaware. Rehabilitation engineering, writing tool for American Sign Language, natural language generation, text summarization, graph summarization.


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 66 - Dror, Gideon Browse Website open in new window
Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo. Text categorization, machine learning applications in bioinformatics, medicine, machine vision and high energy physics, feature selection for categorization and regression problems, artificial neural networks.


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Bilkent University. Machine learning, data mining, and computer-aided language learning.


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 68 - Goel, Ashok K. Browse Website open in new window
Georgia Tech. Knowledge-based reasoning and learning, design cognition and computing, creativity, self-adaptation.


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 69 - Gini, Maria Browse Website open in new window
University of Minnesota. Distributed intelligence, cooperation of miniature robots, robot navigation, multi-agent systems for e-commerce and supply-chain, economic agents.


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Researcher in multi-agent planning at Delft University of Technology. Tutorial on multi-agent planning, list of own publications and publications related to distributed AI.


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