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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » People


Fuzzy Intelligence People (11) Kurzweil, Raymond (15) McCarthy, John (4)
Minsky, Marvin (12) Neural Networks People (112) Papert, Seymour (9)
Warwick, Kevin (21)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   163

 1 - Norvig, Peter Browse Website open in new window
Artificial Intelligence, natural language, Lisp and Java in AI. Computational Sciences Division, NASA Ames Research Center.


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 2 - Blum, Avrim Browse Website open in new window
Carnegie Mellon University. Interests include machine learning, approximation algorithms, on-line algorithms and planning systems. Online publications and talks.


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 3 - Honavar, Vasant Browse Website open in new window
Iowa State University. Machine learning, intelligent agents, information integration, probabilistic models, and bioinformatics and computational biology.


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 4 - Roweis, Sam Browse Website open in new window
University of Toronto. Researcher in pattern recognition, neural networks, artificial intelligence.


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Yahoo! Research Labs. Electronic commerce, internet statistics, uncertain reasoning, decision theory, market approaches to group coordination, multiagent systems.


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Brown University. Part-of-speech tagging, probabilistic context-free grammar induction, syntactic disambiguation through word statistics, efficient syntactic parsing, and lexical resource acquisition through statistical means.


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Researcher in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Systems. Co-designer and developer of CLASSIC and Chimaera among others. Associate Director of the Knowledge Systems Laboratory at Stanford University.


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 8 - Hearst, Marti Browse Website open in new window
University of California at Berkeley. Data mining, information retrieval, user interfaces, web search.


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 9 - Wilks, Yorick Browse Website open in new window
University of Sheffield. Computational pragmatics, belief modeling, lexicons, information extraction.


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 10 - Bacchus, Fahiem Browse Website open in new window
University of Toronto. Planning systems, temporal logic, constraint satisfaction problems and formal models.


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