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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » People

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 91 - Horvitz, Eric Browse Website open in new window
Microsoft Research. Decision theory, reasoning systems, user modeling, reasoning under uncertainty.


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Post-doctoral researcher at the Cork Constraint Computation Centre (4C). Working on multiagent planning methods as well as scheduling for manufacturing.


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 93 - Liu, Hugo Browse Website open in new window
MIT Media Laboratory. Philosophically motivated AI, commonsense reasoning, aesthetics and AI, assistive software agents, lexical semantics, story understanding.


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 94 - Furcy, David Browse Website open in new window
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Heuristic search, planning and re-planning, reinforcement learning.


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 95 - Powers, David Browse Website open in new window
The Flinders University of South Australia. Natural language learning, unsupervised learning, data mining, home automation, web search.


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 96 - Sastry, Kumara Browse Website open in new window
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Ph.D. student. Genetic algorithms, competent GAs and efficiency-enhancement techniques with application in material sciences.


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LiveWire Logic, Inc. Empirical methods of natural language processing, case-based reasoning, AI and law, ecological and environmental applications of AI.


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 98 - Thaler, Stephen Browse Website open in new window
Researcher into neural networks and creativity.


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 99 - Tack, Werner H. Browse Website open in new window
Universität des Saarlandes. ACT-R cognitive modeling.


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 100 - Delord, Christophe Browse Website open in new window
ENSEEIHT, France, Computer Science engineer, Artificial Intelligence (dialogue simulation, speech acts, PROLOG), Python, lexical and syntactic parsing.


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