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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » People

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 101 - Zillman, Marcus P. Browse Website open in new window
Creator/Founder BotSpot.com, Executive Director Virtual Private Library


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 102 - Planes, Jordi Browse Website open in new window
Escola Universitària Politècnica. Max-SAT, smart cards.


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 103 - Carreras, Xavier Browse Website open in new window
Universitat Politechnica de Catalunya, PhD student, machine learning, natural language processing.


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 104 - Dorst, Leo Browse Website open in new window
University of Amsterdam. Applications of geometric (Clifford) algebra, exploration, reasoning with uncertainty in robotics.


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 105 - Goyal, Ram Dayal Browse Website open in new window
Intigma India. Data mining, natural language processing, data mining, neural networks, image processing.


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 106 - Pellier, Damien Browse Website open in new window
CRIP5 - Paris 5 Laboratory. Multi-agent systems, planning and scheduling, distributed problem solving, cooperative robotics.


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University of Twente. Interaction models in (spoken) dialogue systems, specification techniques and multimodal systems and virtual environments, multiagent virtual environments.


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University of Quebec at Montreal. Learning objects, cognitive modelling, virtual learning environments and intelligent tutoring systems.


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 109 - Liu, Jundong Browse Website open in new window
Ohio University. School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Medical image analysis, computer vision.


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 110 - Koduru, Praveen Browse Website open in new window
Memetic algorithms for multiobjective optimization.


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