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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » People

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 41 - Faltings, Boi Browse Website open in new window
Director of Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, EPFL, President of Swiss AI Society. Software agents, constraint-based reasoning, case-based reasoning.


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 42 - Forbus, Kenneth Browse Website open in new window
Northwestern University. Qualitative physics, spatial reasoning, cognitive simulation of analogical processing.


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 43 - Grosz, Barbara Browse Website open in new window
Harvard University. Collaborative planning, SharedPlans model of collaboration, discourse structure, intonation, centering.


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 44 - Airoldi, Edoardo Browse Website open in new window
Harvard University. Statistical and computational elements for the analysis of complex graphs and interacting dynamical systems, including yeast molecular biology and social networks. Overview of publications and activities.


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 45 - Airoldi, Edoardo Browse Website open in new window
Carnegie Mellon. Euclidean, differential or algebraic geometrical intuitions underlying statistical models and algorithms. Discrete mathematics and sequential models. Applications to textual data, biological sequences, communication networks and privacy.


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 46 - Ketter, Wolfgang Browse Website open in new window
University of Minnesota. Computer science and economics, multiagent systems, automated negotiation and contracting.


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 47 - Green, Nancy Browse Website open in new window
University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Intelligent multimedia presentation systems, argumentation models, automatic generation of textual summaries of graphs, interactive narrative, conversation agents, user modeling.


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 48 - Litman, Diane J. Browse Website open in new window
University of Pittsburgh. Spoken dialogue for intelligent tutoring systems, reinforcement learning for optimizing spoken dialogue agents, prosodic analysis of misrecognitions and corrections, plan recognition.


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University of Potsdam. Abductive Inference Model, Hindi sentence processing, wide-coverage theories of sentence processing.


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Head of the mobile robotics lab at Orebro University, Sweden. Research area: integration of cognition and physical embedding in autonomous robots.


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