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 Computers » Software » Shareware » Authors

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Developer of password organizer, and a utility to find executables or DLLs in Windows 95/98 or NT/XP.


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Shareware and freeware developer. Products currently include a customizable RPN shareware calculator and down loadable KJV Bible in multiple file formats.


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 73 - Thierry Paris Browse Website open in new window
Developer of shareware and freeware, products are FileBank, Favorite Folders, and FileSpy.


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 74 - MediaWeb Browse Website open in new window
Offers consultancy and bespoke software development. Also shareware and freeware programs, recipe database and a free telephone number locator.


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Produces application that brands JPEG or bitmap images. Modjex Coaxer encourages a writer to write for a sustained period.


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xVault Personal Data Vault, software is the safe and secure way to store sensitive information on the computer. OssDBJpeg, Delphi components. Achieve 2000 is Personal Information Management (PIM) software. MegAddress is a address management system. Al...


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 77 - TheoWare Browse Website open in new window
tzsh is a UNIX like shell for non-UNIX platforms, a Korn shell for Windows.


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Author of Windows shareware games, programs are Brixor and Outer Lines.


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 79 - LK Software Browse Website open in new window
Shareware and freeware covering database management system, Encode/Decode utility, mass mailing utility, and a Windows talking clock.


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