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 Computers » Software » Shareware » Authors

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Creators of Clipboard Express, MP3Detective, and TimesOwn.


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 32 - MWA Software Browse Website open in new window
Supplier of JPEG, GIF and text editing components for Delphi and C++ Builder. Also supply general purpose text editor for very large text files.


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 33 - Shareware Depot Browse Website open in new window
Po-Han Lin's shareware. Includes programs in C++, Java, and a discussion forum.


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Software engineer involved in many shareware projects.


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Developer of productivity tools and utilities based on the DOS and Windows platforms, plus a small selection of handy and useful tools and utilities for the computer.


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 36 - ElmueSoft Browse Website open in new window
Organizer, atomic clock synchronization, and TrayClock for all Windows.


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 37 - SPHelper Browse Website open in new window
Developer of shareware and freeware, products include My Voice Diary, CHMUnpacker and HTML2TXT.


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 38 - HeadStrong Browse Website open in new window
Official home of HeadStrong and Moritz Bartl freeware and shareware products include WebClicker, ICQr Information, ID3KILL, and OFCC.


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 39 - Camtech 2000 Browse Website open in new window
Offers many quality, freeware and shareware programs for the Internet, desktop, utilities, and games.


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Custom software development for small and medium businesses, shareware and freeware downloads.


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