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 Computers » Software » Shareware » Authors

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Shareware and freeware products for business, home and personal use for download. Features: productivity software, system utilities and Palm Pilot games.


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Developers of Lease Calculator Plus, Loan Calculator Plus and Rapid Address.


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Develops shareware and freeware software products for Mac OS and Windows.


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Developer of shareware and freeware multimedia software and tools to play video files/audio files or software to merge audio/video files. As well software to list media files and then saves them as play list or text file.


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 25 - Peter's Software Browse Website open in new window
MS Access shareware, freeware, tools, help and tips.


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 26 - 8848soft Browse Website open in new window
Programs include Multi desktop, PopOFF, and Clever BoxMan, designed with power and functionality in mind, yet easy-to-use to support power users and novices alike.


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Developer of Windows shareware applications and games.


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A multilingual international calendar program "Simply Calenders", Iconoplasm! free icon editor, Treesaver, and a medical library database program.


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 29 - microISV Browse Website open in new window
A community for independent software developers who create shareware.


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 30 - Magneto Software Browse Website open in new window
Develops and markets Windows tools and utilities for both the developer and the consumer markets. Producing quality software for home and business applications for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 platforms.


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