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 Computers » Software » Shareware » Authors

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Purveyors of quality shareware for Windows and Macintosh since 1993.


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 2 - Nullsoft Browse Website open in new window
Makers of WinAmp.


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Freeware and shareware applications, ASP source projects, Java snippets or Delphi components.


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Developer Stanley M. Debono offers Quotes Screen Saver and Presentation Timer.


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Home page of Insight Software Solutions, Inc. Award winning word games, home and office, hobby, utilities and productivity software.


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Developers of the tank game Last Man Standing, and free utilities such as Mkalbum, a web album generator.


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 7 - DzSoft Ltd Browse Website open in new window
Well-designed shareware for everyday use and development tools. Products are a Perl Editor, Mail Check and an Internet Explorer plug-in that adds a convenient explorer bar to search in Favorites.


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Software products that help webmasters build great sites, including Just Buttons and Just Tabs. Web enabled Black Hole Organizer allows anyone to organizer all of their notes.


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A developer of operating system enhancement and utility shareware as well as custom software for DOS and Windows environments. Home of MAXIDisk, NPS and other fine software.


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Leading developer and publisher of award winning connectivity and productivity programs for home and office computer users.


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