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 Computers » Software » Operating Systems » Mainframe » IBM » z-OS


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The storage management components of z/OS, including DFSMSdfp, DFSMSdss, DFSMShsm and DFSMSrmm.


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StorageTek's policy statement detailing their products' support for IBM mainframes and their operating systems.


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IBM home page for zSeries/Operating System (z/OS). Information on the latest version with links to an overview, recent announcements, software, migration and installation, news, support, downloads, education, library and ease of use issues. z/OS repla...


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Instruction manuals, Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs) and News for students and other users of the mostly-mainframe University of Florida (UF)Computing and Networking Services (CNS).


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A specially priced offering of z/OS providing select z/OS function for the zSeries 800.


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Announcement, general availability, marketing withdrawal and end of support dates and program numbers for z/OS, OS/390 and MVS/ESA.


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Short article with many embedded links describing Operating System/360 (OS/360), the original ancestor of z/OS that was written as the operating system for high-end System/360 computers in the early 1960s.


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IBM resources for the full UNIX implementation built into z/OS.


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IBM home page for Database 2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB). Information on associated products and links to features and benefits, system requirements, library, success stories, news, downloads, events, education, services and support. DB2 is a relatio...


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Student guides for TSO (ISPF), CICS, MVS QuickRef, AbendAid, local JCL standards and a small glossary.


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