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 Computers » Software » Operating Systems » Mainframe » IBM » z-OS

 Web Pages    31 - 38   of   38 Back to z-OS Home 

Leonard Woren's favourite z/OS software and links.


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The NCSU Administrative Computing Services mainframe overview, with detailed ISPF, IOF and ftp usage instructions.


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Details on how to write a program for operating systems other than z/OS that will read a z/OS Partitioned DataSet (PDS, also known as a Library) that been sent with TSO's TRANSMIT (XMIT) command.


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IBM home page for Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) security software. Introduction with links to a technical overview, news, downloads, user groups, past and future presentations, migration, library, FAQs and education.


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Both links and original material covering common programming problems in the z/OS environment. By Canadian Bill Lalonde.


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IBM software to view and control the JES2 queues, running batch jobs, started tasks, and on-line TSO users.


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IBM's performance measurement and management software.


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The next IBM z/OS and OS/390 annual technical conference. Focusing first and foremost on performance issues, 4.5 days.


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