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 Computers » Software » Operating Systems » Mainframe » IBM » z-OS

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The IBM common run-time environment for popular programming languages.


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 12 - z/OS IBM Manuals Browse Website open in new window
On-line access to manuals covering all components of z/OS. Requires no special reader, though it does simulate IBM BookManager.


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 13 - TSO Times Browse Website open in new window
On-line newsletter of technical articles related to TSO and ISPF, with lots of REXX-related information. Includes some articles on the company's (Chicago-Soft) mainframe software products.


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 14 - DFSMShsm Browse Website open in new window
Originally the Hierarchical Storage Manager (hsm), now "a functional component of DFSMS that provides facilities for managing storage devices" (IBM).


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Integrated testing of an older Program Update Tape (PUT) level with hipers and PE's from a more recent PUT level for specified operating system, database and teleprocessing monitor versions.


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 16 - z/OS Security Browse Website open in new window
IBM security features with and products for z/OS.


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IBM home page for Information Management System (IMS). Information on the family of software with links to a library, success stories, news, events, education, services and support. IMS is a transaction processing system (IMS/TM), a hierarchical datab...


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 18 - Watson & Walker Browse Website open in new window
Cheryl Watson specializes in z/OS tuning. This site offers access to some of her free reports and details on how to acquire her chargeable materials, including her Tuning Newsletter, CPU chart, classes on video, and BoxScore and GoalTender software.


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 19 - SimoTime Browse Website open in new window
Provides z/OS-based mainframe application concepts, techniques and examples, with special emphasis on integration with the Internet. Hosted by a California consulting firm.


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Common technical terminology used to describe concepts within IMS/TM and IMS/DB. From IBM.


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