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 Computers » Software » Operating Systems » Mainframe » IBM » z-OS » ISPF

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The Software Configuration and Library Manager (SCLM) runs on and comes with ISPF; related software is also available. SCLM provides application change control.


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Mostly ISPF utilities and samples, including the TASID system monitor, written by IBM's Doug Nadel.


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Covers initial setup instructions and ISPF features introduced in the 1990s. From the University of Pennsylvania's Information Systems and Computing (Penn Computing). "This material is no longer current and appears online for archival purposes only."


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 4 - ISPF for z/OS Browse Website open in new window
IBM home page for Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) software. An overview with links to features, benefits, system requirements, library, News, how to buy, events, services, support and component Software Configuration and Library Manage...


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ISPF for most UNIX platforms from The Workstation Group.


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Although some information is site-specific, a useful introduction to using ISPF. From Administrative Computing Services at North Carolina State University.


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David Alcock's collection of information on the ISPF Editor, including lists of similar editors for other platforms, as well as XEDIT-like editors.


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Gilbert Saint-Flour's detailed discussion of transferring files between mainframe and workstation (PC) using the Client/Server component included in ISPF.


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SPF/SE is a Windows workstation implementation of the PDF component, the user interface, of z/OS ISPF.


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Michael F. Price's MIS 3013 ISPF student guide. Also covers TSO logon and IOF, plus a small mainframe glossary.


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