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 Computers » Software » Internet » Site Management » Backup

 Web Pages    71 - 80   of   81 Back to Backup Home 

 71 - OSBackup Browse Website open in new window
Provides safe, secure, automatic backups of your files over the Internet.


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 72 - DataLifeline Browse Website open in new window
Online data backup and disaster recovery tools for Business continuity and ISO9000. Data files are encrypted 448bit, compressed and mirrored to two different data centers.


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 73 - Live Backup Browse Website open in new window
Online backup and retrieval with automated scheduling, document versioning and Windows integration.


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 74 - Storage Ark Browse Website open in new window
Secure online backup, storage, and data recovery. Automates backup operations for individual users and servers, and consolidates data to a secure off-site environment.


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An accounts payable audit and consulting firm, offers a complete range of accounts payable review, audit, recovery and consulting services to businesses.


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 76 - StoreMyPC Browse Website open in new window
Provides Online Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Services for Computers and Notebooks.


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 77 - Simply Offsite Browse Website open in new window
Online backup and archiving services for Windows laptops, desktops and servers.


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 78 - ElephantDrive Browse Website open in new window
A backup system that sends your data to an off-site data center that is physically separate from your office.


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Harbor Backup offers centralized backup and recovery for a distributed computer system. Scalable and integrates with a variety of storage technologies.


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 80 - Depositit Browse Website open in new window
Fully scalable automated data backup and storage solution offering 24/7 retrieval. Available to small and medium sized business, and lap tops users and small networks at no extra cost.


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