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 Computers » Software » Internet » Site Management » Backup

 Web Pages    61 - 70   of   81 Back to Backup Home 

 61 - BackupUSA Browse Website open in new window
Secure electronic online storage backup. Scheduled backups run automatically. Encrypted and compressed for transmission via the Internet.


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Compress, encrypt and backup data to secure facilities.


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 63 - WeBackUup Browse Website open in new window
Easy to use Remote Backup Service, providing recovery of computer data quickly and easily over the Internet.


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 64 - Webackuup Browse Website open in new window
Provides an easy and secure Remote Backup Service.


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Remote data access and automatic backup to small office to mid-size company. Also provides collaboration productivity tools.


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Automated online backup service for Windows computers. Editions available for standalone or networked computers with or without Internet access.


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Offers automatic online backup and data storage services over the Internet.


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 68 - Web-Backups Browse Website open in new window
Provides a secure method to backup vital computer data using a software interface that is similar to Windows Explorer. Data is encrypted and compressed, both during communications and while stored on servers.


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Precision Online Backup offers online data backup, storage and recovery services to businesses and individuals.


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Remote data backup service via internet for home or corporate clients. Suitable for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 including Exchange and SQL servers.


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