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 Computers » Software » Internet » Site Management » Backup

 Web Pages    31 - 40   of   81 Back to Backup Home 

 31 - Lockstep Browse Website open in new window
Offers website protection software as well as website disaster recovery and backup tools.


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 32 - US Data Trust Browse Website open in new window
Online data backup and recovery for PC servers that archives data in a secure off-site data center and makes it immediately available for recovery 24x7x365.


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Backup services for business. The DSI solution is totally automated and eliminates the need for rotating and storing tapes. Data may be stored using one of four types of encryption and password protected.


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Offer online data backup and recovery solutions for PCs and servers.


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 35 - Backazon Browse Website open in new window
Offers online backup software for Windows XP/Vista/2003/2008. Backups stored to the Amazon S3 data centers (US or EU). Supports unlimited number of backup jobs which can be run on-demand or on a user defined schedule.


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 36 - Clunk Click Browse Website open in new window
Automated data backup, secure off site storage, storage management, data recovery, restore integrity, CDROM archiving, data protection, disaster recovery.


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Technical support forums and mutual help system for computer professionals. Selling and recruiting forbidden.


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 38 - Protect Data.com Browse Website open in new window
A remote backup service, for businesses running any 32 bit operating system including standalone PCs, laptops and networks, via your current internet access.


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 39 - Calgary Backup Browse Website open in new window
Provides online remote data backups of computers for business, students, and home users through a high speed Internet connection. Located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


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 40 - BackUpMyStuff Browse Website open in new window
UK based secure and automated backups across the Internet.


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